
A Quilt Maker’s Tale – #5 – A Meet Up of 2 friends + 2 quilts

My grandmother could pull any quilt from her closet (that’s where she kept them) and tell you something about it.  One time she pulled one down for me and told me where each fabric had come from, some were clothing that her children had worn.  She remembered every piece.  Every quilt maker has a story to tell.  I want to collect those stories and share them with you. 

A Quilt Maker’s Tale is a series featuring stories from my readers about their experiences with quilts.  The stories are in the quilt maker’s own words and uses their own pictures.  If you’d like to be featured in this series, please have a look here.


See all the posts in this series here.

Today’s post is a story of one of my own, and a meet up with Lara from South Carolina.  Please scroll to the bottom to connect with Lara.

I’d like to add in here that I don’t have any posts on this series after this month.  I will only be doing this series again if I receive stories.  No pressure, but several of you have emailed telling me that you don’t want this series to end, but I can’t keep it going without your stories.  So please, please, please, if you have a story, I’d love to share it.  Visit this page.

Last year I went all the way to South Carolina for a concert and did not get to connect with one of my favorite people on Instagram.  So in March when the opportunity came again, I asked Lara if we could get coffee or something (of course I don’t drink coffee as you may well know, but I do drink tea 🙂 ).

She said yes!  And she had the brilliant idea of taking pictures of our Anthologie quilts together.  I might have squealed.  This kinda thing is so MY thing.  I’m alone 90% of the time and it’s so nice to have quilty friends in real life.

Just in case you are new around here, you can find pics of my finished Anthologie quilt here with a lot more details.  This post is more about the meet up.

Lara and I had breakfast together at Maple Street Biscuits and then made the walk to Falls Park in downtown Greenville.  Sidenote:  Greenville might well be the loveliest downtown I’ve ever been to.  It has a small town feel, and full of sweet little boutiques, quotes on the sidewalk, and trees everywhere.  Plus that park!

I connected with Lara a couple years ago when I joined The Wandering Quilts.  It was a traveling quilt group, sometimes called a round robin.  We all made a starter quilt that traveled around the group and the US and each member made it’s addition to it.  Here was my addition to Lara’s quilt.  I LOVED that group of women and adored Lara.  She has this gorgeous earthy style that I am always drooling over.

Lara put her own spin on Anthologie quilt.  Her quilt is full of luscious batik fabrics and reminds me of outdoors.  I wish I had taken pics of some of her details.  There were some fussy cuts in there that were just stunning.

Product Spotlight

 The Amalfi fabric collection is inspired by the stunning coastline and sprawling orchards of Italy’s Amalfi coast. There are quilting cottons, cotton and cotton/rayon lawns, rayons, and canvases available.

Amalfi Collection – fabric bundles in fat eighths, fat quarters, quarter yards, or half yards
Complete quilting cotton collection with 17 prints, other substrates available separately
Designed by Rifle Paper Co.
Manufactured by Cotton + Steel
100% woven quilting-weight cotton

Purchase here.

We walked around the park on this windy day and took pictures of our quilts around all the scenery.  Lara’s quilt was still a quilt top and mine was machine quilted and partially hand quilted.  I wish we’d had more time.  I would have liked to have sat in one of the benches and done more hand work together.

At the end of our time, I walked back with Lara to her car where she had plants and seeds for me.  So sweet!  I was thrilled to receive them and they’ve all been planted and are currently being babied.  The meet up was so great and I really hope to get to do it again sometime.

You can connect with Lara here on Instagram.

I’m always searching for more quilty stories!  If you’d like to be featured, please send me an email with pictures and your story included.  The story can be about anything quilt related!  Read more details about it here.


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