Bad Girl Quilt Along – Week 1 – Cut Fabrics


It feels like I’ve waited for ages for us to begin.  In truth, it’s been about a month.  Well, I hope you’ve got your bad girl hat on. It’s time and here we go!!!

If you are lost, you can read about the Bad Girl quilt along and sign up in this post.


This Week’s Sponsor – Yellow Rose Jenny


This week we are giving away two bundles of AGF Color Masters to one very lucky winner.

To enter to win, post your progress on Instagram using the #badgirlqa and tagging me. You must be following me and @yellowrosejenny. You can enter as many times as you like.

I’ll be announcing the winner this evening.

Visit Yellow Rose Jenny here.



This Week’s Task

All there is to do this week is cut our fabrics. Easy peasy! One of the main things I like about Bad Girl is the cutting diagrams for fat quarters or half yards. I like to get mine starched and pressed first and then stack them into two sets and cut all of them the same.

Don’t forget to cut your background fabrics as well. If you are interested in how I make mine scrappy and low volume, you can find that info here.


  • There are three strips to cut from each fat quarter and half yard. Cut the strips first and then subcut them into the shapes needed.
  • If you need help cutting the Dresden blades, I’ve a tutorial for that here. Save time by flipping your ruler/template vertically with each cut.
  • The center square is cut from the same shape as the rectangles for star points. Cut the rectangles first and then from the piece leftover, cut the center square/s.
  • I always starch my fabrics before ever making the first cut. I have a homemade starch recipe here that I use religiously.


Get a personalized Bad Girl quilt along label for your quilt.


Get the Label


Let’s Talk Fabrics

I’ve said this a few times, but I think Bad Girl looks best in saturated fabrics. The small pieces get a bit lost when done using fabrics that feature too much white (or whatever your background fabric is).

You might notice on the two fabric bundles I created for this quilt, I chose very saturated prints for this very reason.

I’ll be using the Orange Grove bundle for my own quilt. I’ve decided to change up the centers of my stars though, and am incorporating a few Heather Ross fussy cuts.

I was really wanting to use them and I think their colors will lend nicely to the other fabrics. Fingers crossed because most of them are not so saturated. It’s the center of the star though, so I’m thinking this will be okay.

My main worry with not using saturated prints is the stars beams and the Dresdens. I did a bit of this in my first Bad Girl quilt and didn’t like how I lost the shape on lighter fabrics.

This is all food for thought. You do you when making your quilt, and make your own rules!


Product Spotlight

The Orange Grove Bundle 

  • 15 pieces
  • Fat quarters
  • Made especially for the Bad Girl quilt
Get your bundle here.



Helpful Links


If you need help, ask. Leave a comment here or message me on Instagram. I’m always happy to help! We are making this quilt together. That’s the beauty of quilt alongs. Share your thoughts, your struggles or your joy. Make friends by liking and commenting on others progress posts. Let’s be here for each other.

There is no “behind”. The timetable is to help keep those of you who want to stay on track do so. It’s not a deadline. If you like to work slower, do it. Savor your creative time in your own way.

I’ll see you next week when we start on our stars, until then have a good week, lovelies!




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