Bad Girl Quilt Along – Week 2 – Make Five Stars


If you peeked into my sewing room, you might be thinking I’m some kind of crazy.  I’ve been clapping my hands together, squealing, a little jumping up and down and petting my fabrics.  To the non-quilter, this is not normal, but to you…. well, I know you understand.  In fact, you are probably doing this too or we’ll be sometime this coming week.

It’s time to make stars!!!!!



This Week’s Sponsor 

This week we are giving away a set of 9 quilt labels (a value of $35) to one lucky ducky.

To enter to win, post your progress on Instagram using the #badgirlqa and tagging me. You must be following me and @meanderandmake. You can enter as many times as you like.

I’ll be announcing the winner this evening.

Visit Meander + Make here.




This Week’s Task

This week we are making 5 of our 15 stars.  So this is where the real fun begins.  You get to sort through your cut fabrics and pair them up how you want.  This is by no means a quick block, but it is worth it, I think.  I’m absolutely obsessed with it and had a blast.  I turned up the music, made me a cup of my favorite cinnamon tea and pretty much played.


  • Notice my 4-patches.  I used the “alternate” version in the pattern.  You’ll need to decide for yourself what you want.  The first time I made this block I kept forgetting that two are different from the other two.  Be mindful of the position that you place your background and your prints in.  You just want consistency.
  • I have a tutorial for the half rectangle triangles here.  They are not the devil, but just a bit tedious.  The most loveliest of shapes usually are.  Take your time and don’t try to do all blocks at once, break it up and pace yourself.  You got this!
  • Starch is your number one bestie!  I starched the heck out of every unit and then I sewed the block altogether and starched again.  Here’s my fave recipe for my starch.
  • If you need help, ask for it.  Many of the quilters and me and myself participating are here for YOU.  Reach out to them or me on Instagram.  I’ve been getting quite a bit of questions about this or that and I promise you I don’t mind at all.



Get a personalized Bad Girl quilt along label for your quilt.


Get the Label



A Bit of Extra Help

I didn’t make a video tutorial for this block when I wrote the pattern, only the video tutorial for the HRTs.  There are quite a bit of new-ish quilters participating in this quilt along and I don’t want them frustrated.  I remember frustration in my early days of quilting and it really just sucks joy out of quilt making.  For that reason, I am going to share a video tutorial for the whole block.  I do have a few things that I need to say first though.

  1. This video was made for a new sampler quilt pattern tailored for beginners that releases next month.  So if you are wondering what all the “Evening Walk Quilt” business is about, that should explain it.  Andromeda Star is a block within that sampler.
  2. When writing that pattern, I did change up some of the pressing techniques from what I used in the Bad Girl quilt.  So there are a few discrepancies.  Also, in the video tutorial I have the 4-patches turned a specific way, but in the Bad Girl quilt pattern, you have the option of turning them how you want them.
  3. The video is for a beginner, so I may give a bit of extra help within it.



Product Spotlight

Gimme The Sun Fabric Bundle

  • 10 pieces
  • Fat quarters
  • Bright and happy
Get your bundle here.





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The Ruby Beatrice Quilt

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