
Quilt Reveal – Para Para + 2020 Goals


Well, she’s done.  My very last finish in 2019 and the one I spent all of 2019 wanting to make.  If you missed my last posts on this Para Para quilt, you can find them here, here and here.

Happy New Year by the way!  I’m looking forward to 2020 and I’m getting asked many questions about quilt alongs and things like that, so I thought while I’m showing you Para Para, I’d share my goals for this year with you too.


Available For Pre-order

At Home by Bonnie + Camille

Get the Details



I spent most of December working on Para Para here and there between commission quilts and packing fabric orders.  It felt good to finally be doing so.  I had dreamed this quilt up early 2019, but because of all the goals I had set for 2019, this quilt didn’t have a place and so it just kept getting pushed back and I kept telling myself that I could work on it when I finished all those goals.  I’m hoping this year to be a little more flexible with myself and allow for my own interest to adjust those goals when there’s something I really want to do.  Still, though, I managed to squeeze Para Para in and I’m so glad I did.


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I really made time to play with the quilting on this one, but I’m going to be talking about that more this Friday.  I’ve got a whole post for you just about that.  I’m currently obsessed with bettering my quilting skills and it just takes time, but pushing myself has helped and all turned out a bit easier than expected.  There’ll be closeup photos of the quilting on Friday.



I did take my time on the binding.  Well, sort of.  Haha!  I sat on the sofa one evening and the next morning and did the chunky hand stitch binding while bingeing The Witcher on Netflix.   I probably shouldn’t have rushed it, but I wanted this quilt to be completed in 2019, because I had already had a label that said that.  Lol.  My hand and armed throbbed the whole rest of the week and had me googling all things carpal tunnel.  It feels back to normal now.  🙂



All About Chunky Stitch Binding

Watch a video tutorial here





As you know, Para Para is a new pattern that I’ve got set to release on January 24.  It’s currently with my testers.  You can see their work here.   I do have the pattern already up at Meander + Make, but you can’t buy the PDF version just yet.  You can pre-order the paper version though.  I also went ahead and created a page of all the supplies you will need.  Bundles will be coming to that page soon too.

I started a second one this past weekend and am doing a fun version with lots of the Darling prints.  I can’t wait to show you more of that soon.

Quilt Details:

PatternPara Para

Size – 80″ square

Blocks – 6 different sections

Top Fabrics – MainCotton Couture in moss,  Cotton Couture in QuartzGrunge in Sweetheart, Grunge in Bleu, Add it Up in Cactus, Field Suede, Add it Up in Mossy, Brushed in Peach, and Spark in ButterscotchBackgroundGitan Paradis Pearl, Speck in bronze, Grunge in Vanilla, Black Stars, Grid in Cloud, Grid in Cotton Candy, Brushed in Metallic Gold, Speckled in White Gold, and Spectacular in Azur.

Backing FabricsKnotted Trellis in Gold, Wild Vines in Mint, Grid in Cotton Candy, and Bees & Bits in Mellow.

BindingLace Elements in Ochre

Batting – Warm and Natural batting by the Warm Company

Thread – So Fine by Superior in Blizzard for piecing, Microquilter by Superior in Baby Pink for quilting

Techniques Usedfree motion quiltingwall basting, and chunky stitch binding

Quilt LabelCustom Para Para label, tutorial for how to install it here


My Newest Quilt Pattern

  • Skill Level:  Beginner friendly
  • Available in PDF and Paper booklet
  • Video tutorials
  • Pattern is clickable with lots of helpful links included (including methods for basting, quilting and binding)
  • 3 scrappy quilt patterns included.


Get the Pattern




Goals for 2020

Quilt Alongs

Let’s start with quilt alongs since that is what I’m getting all the messages about.  I will be hosting a quilt along for Para Para right here on my own blog.  The pattern releases on the 24th of this month and I’m hoping to start the quilt along very early February.  I’ll be nailing down the exact dates and open up sign ups next week.  Be sure to come back or be signed up for my newsletter to get notified.

I will also be hosting a English Paper Piecing quilt along late spring / early summer.  The pattern has already been designed, but not written.  It’s an easy design and only partially uses English paper piecing.  If you have never used this technique, this will be an excellent way to learn it.  There will be a gazillion video tutorials to help you and the pace will be easier.

I will more than likely be hosting another quilt along late Fall.  I wanted to do Anthologie again, but I also want to leave this timeframe open a bit just in case I’m inspired to do something different.

Meander + Make

I’m still growing the fabric selection, but we have lots of pre-orders set to arrive this spring.  I recently added Kit pages when show you everything you need for each of my quilt patterns.  I want to expand on this idea a bit more too.  If there is ever anything I’m not offering that you are wanting let me know.

I’m also hoping to do a bit of advertising, though I’m not sure what that will look like just yet.  Any money I’m making goes right back into the business right now.  Everytime you make a purchase, know that you are truly helping me along and it’s so very appreciated.

Other Goals

I mentioned Pillow Club to you, I think.  If I didn’t there will be much more on it this Friday.  I’ve still got to sort this idea out a bit more, but I think it will be my side project for 2020.

I’m also eager to get a pattern in a magazine and I’ve put forth a bit of minor effort towards this already.  I tried to get Checker to distribute my patterns for me, but since I don’t already have them in quilt shops currently they weren’t interested, which was weird because if they were already in quilt shops I wouldn’t be interested in them.  I thought a magazine feature may help with this.  This is a very “light” goal and I’m not sure if it’s even worth my time.

I’ve got something in production that will come out in February that I am over the moon about.  I’m not allowed to share just yet, and I have a pattern designed specifically for this, but haven’t written it.  I need to get on that.

On that note, I’ve got three patterns that will be definite releases this year and I’m hoping to squeeze in at least one or two more.  This is another light goal and is subject to change with the winds of my interests.

Subjects I tackle this year in blog posts will also be subject to the winds of interest, but several of you have written me about particular subjects you are interested in and I will be doing just that too.

I’m hoping to grow my Youtube channel this year quite a bit and it’s one of the reasons I started doing Monday posts via video.  This could be a huge help to me financially, which let’s face it, when you are a creative, financial security is always a struggle.  It would help me greatly if everyone who shows up to this blog (which I appreciate immensely) is subscribed to my channel.

Helping others learn to quilt is one of my main goals from way back and I’d like to continue to be here to serve you and do just that.  My ear is always listening when you need a helping hand and I always answer emails, though it may take me a day or two.

Another light goal is to do something with all of my grandmother’s quilts that I received after she passed away in 2017.  I want to do a book on them, but don’t know if I can find the time.  I still haven’t shown them to you and that’s what I’m waiting on.  This idea is along way from being sorted.

Personal Goals

One of my goals last year was to be closer to my sister and due to something that happened within the family this year, we are closer than we’ve ever been.  Despite how different we are, my sister is one person I can count on to have my back.  I often tell her that she is my bulldog.  This year I’d like to continue this effort to be there for her too.

I’ve got to exercise more.  I also need to actually go to health checkups instead of skipping them.  Ideally, I’m doing my 2 mile walk every other day and yoga on the alternate days.  I’ll give myself a bit of grace here, but I also need a kick in the rear.  I sit at a sewing machine way too much to skip things like this.

My two kids are in college.  I need to be there for them emotionally and financially, and need to keep the wheels turning to get them through this part of their life and onto the next.  Naturally, this is my biggest goal of all the goals.



If you made it through this post, I’m sorry to bore you to death with the goals, but I think it really helps to put them out there.  It pushes me to stay on track, especially with the quilty goals, and many of you have been asking about the quilt alongs, so there it is.

I posted this picture above on my Instagram feed, which automatically feeds it to my Facebook feed which I rarely go on.  One of the comments I received was something like, “what are you even taking a picture of?” and something else that was a bit rude.  I forget now, I was so annoyed, I deleted the comment.  This is my space and whoever this person was doesn’t get to bring negativity to it.  This doesn’t happen often, but when it does, I get pushed down a bit.  I don’t know any other way of saying that.  It’s not something I’m going to care about except in the moment, but in that moment I’m stung.  This brings me to my very final goal of letting words from others slide away and not letting it take my joy.  It’s so hard to do that, but it’s something I’ll be striving to do better.  Maybe this is something you need to hear too.





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  1. Thank you for sharing your goals and your creativity! You have been an inspiration for me to push myself in the Bad Girl Quilt, which is waiting to be quilted, and Little Miss Sawtooth, waiting to be joined together. I look forward to joining you in the future Sew alongs. Don’t let anyone take away your joy! There are many more of us who find joy in what you do.?

  2. Anthologie is on my make list as soon as I wrap my current project. It seemed like a great choice for personalizing a quilt for a friend. I’ll love following along if you happen to do it again.

  3. Congratulations on your big quilt reveal Para Para. It is lovely! Thank you too for sharing your goals for 2020. It is always inspiring to hear what others strive for in the new year. I will be blessed if I get a fraction of your list done! LOL! I agree with Diana, to not let anyone take your joy away, something we should all strive for… finding that balance in our work/play and keeping the joy alive. Happy Creative 2020!

  4. Melanie, I love all that you give to the quilting arena! You are very generous, honest and so very helpful to this girl (and I am sure many others) who has been quilting for 10 years, but not made a lot of quilts. I too have subscribed to your YT channel. Wishing you a very productive and joy-filled 2020!

  5. it’s reeeaaally beautiful! the color choices are so perfect. I want to take those pink stripes and make a whole quilt out of them!
    best of luck with your goals for the new year.

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