Housekeeping 6.5.2020


Hey, sweet friends.  I’m popping in here today to tell you a little bit about some new stuff you’ll start seeing on the blog that might seem out of the blue and unorganized, but I promise there is a plan even though it might not look like it.

I had mentioned back in late January that I was rewriting Anthologie (the above quilt is Anthologie).  Well, I finished!  I’ve completed rewritten this pattern and am about to start pre-testing it.  A little back story first….

This is one of my earliest quilt patterns, and, well, to be honest I was not as well-versed at writing them back then as I am now.  Plus, it was a really popular pattern for me and I still get weekly emails about it, so I’ve been wanting to make this quilt and pattern again for a while now, so why not?  It felt like time.



It’s not for the faint at heart.  It’s a beast of a quilt pattern.  I’m hoping to get it tested next month and release mid-August with a quilt along starting in September.  More on all of this soon though.  For now, you are going to start seeing tutorials pop up that are unexpected.    I’ve got a lot to cover with this pattern and I just wanted to give you a head’s up if you are subscribed to the post by email option and you start thinking that I’m a scatterbrain (although, I’m not sure you would be completely wrong :))


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  1. Looks like a really fun quilt. Your instructions and tutorials are always spot-on, so I’m sure we’ll be able to handle it!

  2. Love your Anthologie quilt and looking forward to its refresh! This quilt has a little of everything and is a fantastic skill builder.

    I might just have to make another!

  3. I’m really looking forward to this . Thanks for all the hard work you put into your quilt alongs.

  4. Ooooo!!! That looks like so much fun!!! Being the second release, you need to tweak the name. You don’t realize it, but you just DID re-name it!!! “Anthologies BEAST!” I have a vintage Singer model 201 that sees through 8 layers of boat canvas. I lovingly call her The Beast! Sew on!!

  5. Excited to see this coming! This was the first of your work that brought me here and it’s still kind of my favorite. As soon as you said you were thinking about revising and doing a SAL, I decided to wait to do this. Ooooh, anticipation….

  6. This quilt is hands down my favorite quilt ever. I have been hand quilting mine now for quite some time. Looks like I need to finish it up for another!!! QAL in Sept? Count me in! ❤️❤️-Mauri

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