Little Miss Sawtooth Quilt #11 – Coral, Turquoise + Yellow


Yes, yes, yes, I’m making another Little Miss Sawtooth quilt. Don’t be judging me! 🙂 This one is a commissioned quilt and it’s meant to look like the original version, but a bit smaller. This time I’m making it 60″ square. And it’s my eleventh Little Miss quilt. Yah, I know, I know! Lol.

Find all my prior Little Miss quilts here.
Get the Little Miss Sawtooth pattern here.


The Little Miss Sawtooth Star Quilt Pattern

Get the Pattern






I’ve used older stash for this quilt. I don’t think I took anything from the bolt, and most of these are no longer in the shop, except maybe this one.

Same thing with the background, all of these came from stash. I don’t think we have any of these left in stock, however we do keep up our background low volume bundles, so that you can grab a stack of low volumes and use them for many of my patterns. Find those here.

We also always keep bundles up for Little Miss, since she’s our best selling pattern. You’ll find all of those and more supplies for this quilt here. There’s currently a bundle there that’s very similar to this one.





Detail Plans

I don’t think I’m going to be doing anything fancy with my quilting on this one. I’ll just keep it simple with maybe a swirl or something, maybe I’ll finally try some paisley pattern. I haven’t done that yet. I will probably do the draping on the star points just to give them a bit of pop.


Get the Patterns



I just love this pattern. There’s something about all those stars that always makes me smile. Plus, I get to dig around and use lots of low volumes, and there’s not much I love more than that.


Scrappy Low Volume Backgrounds

View all our Low Volume bundles here.




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