A Dresden Quilt #11 – Purples and Blues – In Progress

A Dresden Quilt
I’ve been working on another A Dresden quilt for probably a month now. This one is another commission order and I didn’t choose these fabrics. Although, you can probably tell…
See all of past A Dresden quilts here.
Get the A Dresden quilt pattern here.
This is quite a large quilt, so that’s why it’s taken me so long to work through it. A whopping 96″ square. I’m quite fond of the color palette for the most part. A bit moody, I think.
If you have never tackled Dresden plates before, I have a whole series on them here. It’s complete with video tutorials and options for the center of the plate.
For this one, I’m using the Heat n Bond method for the centers. And I’ll quilt them all with swirls to secure them.

The Plan
I’ll be keeping it basic on the quilting with this one since it’s a commission. I’ll quilt each plate with drapes and the centers with swirls. And then quilt a meander in the background.

We are just a few days before Christmas now. I hope you have a lovely one!

I love every thing about it.