Fernweh Quilt Along – week 5

The posts in this series are all a part of the Fernweh quilt along.

Well hello, hello! This is our last week for our quilt along. I hope you’ve had a nice time. I know I’ve certainly enjoy connecting and sewing with you. Today we are finishing up our quilt top!
If you’ve missed a week, you’ll find all of the posts for this quilt along here.
Fabrics I’m Using
- Foreground – A mix of low volumes from several of my different collections
- Background – Pure Raw Gold
This Week’s Task
This week our task is to sew all of our blocks together for a finished quilt top.
Supplies Used in the Video
- Juki 2000qi sewing machine
- Dingo cutting and pressing table
- Reliant Maven iron
- Wool pressing mat
- Find all of my online classes at Quilt Class here
- INSTAGRAM: @southerncharmquilts + @meanderandmake
- Contact me
This post may contain affiliate links. If you click through and purchase an item I may earn a tiny commission. You will not pay any extra by doing so. This is just a means for me to bring you free content. If you do purchase something I have linked to, THANK YOU for supporting me. Big hugs!

- Here’s that design wall link I mentioned. It’s an “extra” thing, but I wanted to link to it because I always get questions about it.
- Because you might have turned your block units this way and that, our seams will not nest nicely. That’s okay! You can still get them to line up, it’s just a tiny bit more fiddly. Do your best and forget about it!
- Don’t forget to take advantage of some of the sweet longarming deals now that you have a finished quilt top. Details are below!
Get access to the Free Pattern Library
In addition to all of my free patterns, you’ll be able to stay connected and know when the next quilt along is or when a new quilt pattern becomes available.

- Modernly Stitched Quilt Studio – 20% off longarm services on Fernweh quilt until August 31, 2023. Code: FERNWEH20 The discount is for 20% off longarm services only. This does not include batting, shipping and any applicable taxes.
- Autumn Moon Quilting – 10% off Fernweh quilts with code SC10
- J Coterie Design – 20% off code FERNWEH20
- Ladybug Threads – 20% off through August 30 using code FERNWEH