Quilt Reveal – Morning Sun Quilt #2 – The Fall Colored One


I got myself busy a couple weeks ago on a commission for my Morning Sun quilt.  This is only the second time I’ve made the quilt, but I’m so glad I got the chance to.  I’d forgotten how fun this one is to work on and how unique it is to many of the other quilt patterns I’ve done in the past.

I wasn’t given any instruction on the quilt, only to make a version and so I chose colors that I’ve been feeling lately.  I really enjoyed this one!  View my previous version here.


The Morning Sun Quilt Pattern

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I have wanted to make another of these since my last one, but you know how time gets away.  It’s been just over a year since my last version.  The last time I made it was part of a quilt along I did in 2018, so the pattern is written quilt along style.  Still simple enough to follow though and everything is broken down into sections.

I put a lot of thought into this latest version and stressed over each and every fabric choice, but I’m so glad I did.  I really like how it’s turned out.


My Newest Quilt Pattern

  • Skill Level:  Beginner friendly
  • Available in PDF and Paper booklet
  • Video tutorials
  • Pattern is clickable with lots of helpful links included (including methods for basting, quilting and binding)
  • 3 scrappy quilt patterns included.


Get the Pattern



The center part of the quilt is where my eyes go to immediately.  It has a very large Dresden plate sitting on top of larger half square triangles.  The Dresden plate is very unique in that it’s pointed and finished on both ends.  This way that hourglass shape from the half square triangles meeting can show.  I love the look, and it’s so easy to achieve.


Available For Pre-order

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This is surprisingly a fairly quicker quilt to make.

I tried to stay Fall-ish with my color palette, basically as much gold as possible with a sprinkling of a few other colors.  I haven’t used gold and green together yet and I’m glad I did.  Still not over the gold yet, y’all.  In fact I have another mostly gold quilt on my mind.

With the exception of how I did the background (scrappy low volume), this quilt doesn’t use many different fabrics.  There’s only a handful which makes it a bit different from my other quilt patterns.


Product Spotlight

Diagonal Seam Tape

Diagonal Seam Tape is a perfect solution for sewing straight diagonal seams without having to mark any lines!

Get yours here.



Since it was a commission quilt, I opted for the quick and easy meander quilting, although I did tighten it up and make it a bit more dense.  Still looks over quilted to me and it’s a trend I’m loving right now.



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Quilt Details:

PatternMorning Sun

Size – 72×72″

Blocks – 7 different sections

Top FabricsMainRaw Gold solidShabby in Butterscotch, Brushed in Pale Peach, Pyrography North, Fields of Alsike, Decostitch in Red Desert, Treadle Lace and Add it Up in soft aquaBackgroundSpecktacular in Azur, Nature Walk in yellowstone, Crossstitch in Gray, Roadside Wildflowers, Field in Copper Metallic and Gitan Paradis Pearl.

Backing FabricsShabby in Gold, Fields of Goldenrod and Grunge in Bleu

BindingCotton Couture in quartz

Batting – Warm and Natural batting by the Warm Company

Thread – So Fine by Superior in Blizzard for piecing, Microquilter by Superior in natural white for quilting

Techniques Usedfree motion quilting in a meander pattern, wall basting, and ditch binding

Quilt Label – from my shop here, tutorial for how to install it here



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Thanks for reading along!  I’m hoping that there will be more of this quilt pattern in my future.  I hope you have a lovely rest of your week.  🙂


Product Spotlight

Whispers Low Volume Fabric Bundle

  • 10 pieces
  • Fat quarters or half yard cuts
  • Extra yummy
Get your bundle here.



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