The Most Photogenic Quilt Making – A Dresden Quilt #4 – In Progress
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The Most Photogenic Quilt Making – A Dresden Quilt #4 – In Progress

For the past 2+ weeks, I’ve been working on a new Dresden quilt, custom ordered.  I LOOOOOOOVVVVE Dresden quilts, but man oh, man, are they time consuming to make.  Even so, watching these beauties comes together might be prettier to me than any other quilt taking shape. I was given a list of colors by…

The Great Corset Challenge – Completed ( quilt reveal )

The Great Corset Challenge – Completed ( quilt reveal )

Hello, lovely quilt loving peeps! I’m talking about the Great Corset Challenge today (see the other applicants here).  I mentioned I was participating in this challenge earlier this month here.  I really got moving on this quickly, buuuuuut all the hand stitching through me a curve ball, took almost the entire month. I finished the…