Quilt Reveal – Trippy Quilt – #2 – The Colorful One
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Quilt Reveal – Trippy Quilt – #2 – The Colorful One

  It feels like I’ve been working on this quilt for ages.  Truly.  Piecing tiny squares together is not for the restless.  To be truthful, Trip Around the World quilts are for those that have so many scraps they are drowning in them and plenty of time to fuss over them.  If this hadn’t been…

Rescue Quilt #7 – Itty Bitty Trip Around the World Quilt + 2019 Goals & Resolutions
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Rescue Quilt #7 – Itty Bitty Trip Around the World Quilt + 2019 Goals & Resolutions

The Rescue Quilt series is about finishing up quilt tops that were never completed and then remaking the pattern.  Sometimes I find easier / modern ways to make the quilt pattern, and sometimes I change up the pattern a bit to freshen things up. Sometimes I will offer the quilt pattern to you free, sometimes…