Why you should store scraps by size + That Strawberry Quilt ( quilt reveal )
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Why you should store scraps by size + That Strawberry Quilt ( quilt reveal )

Two things you should know about me by now:  One is very obvious.  I’m obsessed with low volume and I’m not fond of straying from it.  Two is that I am methodical in my scrap storage. It sounds stuffy to be methodical about anything, or it does to me, but I like things in their…

Quilt Reveal – Tiny Patch Quilt #3 – Take that, 4.5″ scrap bin!
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Quilt Reveal – Tiny Patch Quilt #3 – Take that, 4.5″ scrap bin!

One way that I store scraps is by squares.  I have a bin for each different size from 2″ – 7″.  When one bin gets full, it’s time to do something with them.  For me, the easiest and most surest way to completely wipe that bin out is just by making a simple patchwork quilt….