The Nora Hexagon quilt

This is a quilt that has been brewing in my head ever since I finished my great grandmother’s quilt.

I look at her quilt everyday.  It’s still on the back of my sofa.

And I wanted to re-create her quilt, but make it much more modern looking.  I also wanted to blow it up huge so it didn’t take me months and months worth of handwork.


I was thinking I’d write a pattern for this one, but it just sat there in my head and I did nothing with the idea until a few weeks ago.  I had gone all over the place with the fabrics and finally decided that these Art Gallery fabric denims were perfect.

So I’ve written the pattern and this week I’ve been piecing the quilt and tweaking the pattern.

I was hoping to release it this week, but it looks more like next week now.  However, if you sign up for my newsletter you will be given a coupon code to use the day the pattern releases.  Sign up for that here.

If you haven’t used the Art Gallery Fabrics denim before you may have the wrong idea about the word denim.  These fabrics feel more like quilting cotton than denim.  They were very easy to use on my quilt and don’t feel like there is any bulk in my seams because of them.  They have a nice texture about them.  They are also wider.  I think they are maybe 60″ wide fabric.

There are also many different low volumes fabrics in my quilt.  17 of them to be exact.  I always keep a large stash of low volume fabrics on hand.  This way I can have variety on each quilt.

Ever since I first was gifted my GG Nora’s quilt, every time I see a ‘Grandmother’s Flower Garden’ quilt I think of her.

Here is a little picture of the two of us holding up the very same quilt.  I am holding this quilt 43 years after she held it up in her picture.  This really feels up my heart.

I do remember my great grandmother.  I remember visiting her.  I remember she was in a wheel chair during her last years and that she loved knit knacks.  She had hundreds of them or so I thought as a child.

She also made dozens of quilts.  When she wasn’t making her own, she quilted the one’s my grandmother (her daughter) made on a frame that my great grandfather built her.

She also taught quilting and crochet classes to young women in her church.

When my grandmother gifted me this quilt in the picture below (all made from polyester clothing), she pulled out MANY.  All unfinished.  I’m hoping she lets me finish them even if they end up going to different family members.

So this new quilt and pattern is just a nod to GG Nora, and her beautiful work.

I would have loved to have quilted with her, but I think this way I kinda am.

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