The Carolina Mingle Quilt Along – Week 4 – Borders + Finished Quilt Top
This post is a part of the Carolina Mingle quilt along that starts February 22, 2019 and ends March 15, 2019.
If this is the first time you are learning about this quilt along then please read this post for more details.
To view all the posts concerning this quilt along, click here.
Done, done, DONE, done and done! That feels so good! Okay, I’ve still got to make the backing, cut the batting, baste, quilt and then all the binding, but YOU know what I mean. A quilt top is done and that is a call for celebration. You aren’t seeing my happy dance, but go on and try to picture it.
I’ve been oohing and ahhing over all of your progress photos over on Instagram and I’m wishing I could reach through my phone on so many of them and just pet the quilts with you. The petting always does make my heart sing.
This Week’s Task
We are tackling those borders and cornerstones this week, our final week. That means four half square triangles and then some simple strips of fabric. I’ll be using my trusty HST ruler to get the job done. And for all of you who have emailed me recently telling me that you swapped to this method and liked it better, I am so glad! But there are so many methods out there, so it’s best to find the one that you enjoy the most and go with it.
Product Spotlight
—Supplier: The Warm Company
—Type: Warm and Natural
—Fiber Content: 100-percent USA grown Cotton
—Other: Needle punched to prevent tearing and shifting, migrating or creeping through the quilt top.
—Width: 90″ Wide and 124″ Wide available
Purchase here.
Piecing on Borders
It helps to properly sew your border on first by finding the center of your quilt and your border, pinning those pieces together and then pinning your ends up. Doing it this way, you won’t end up with a border that’s too short or too long, both of which I’ve done before.
Double check yourself when adding the top and bottom border on to make sure that you have your half square triangles pointed in the correct direction. I, myself, had to seam rip my first border. Ugh! I got in a hurry! It happens. All fixed now!
If you purchase anything from Havel’s Sewing, be sure to use my coupon ” SouthernCharm7 ” to get $7 off any order of $25 or more.
This Week’s Giveaway
You can read the rules for the giveaway here. I’ll announce a winner tomorrow over on IG. So show me your Carolina Mingle quilts! The more you post, the more chances you have for winning. Use the hashtag to enter and tag me.
Havel’s Sewing is giving away a surprise gift. I’m not sure what it is, but you can hardly go wrong with any of their supplies. Those are some of my favorites above. And um, ahem, that’s the seam ripper I had to use to get my border ripped and stitched back on correctly. Ha!
Product Spotlight
- Piecing and machine quilting thread
- 100 Percent extra long staple Egyptian thread
- 600 yards of assorted Basic colors
- Double mercerized
- No wobble snap mini King
- 30 weight thread
Buy Here
Get a personalized Carolina Mingle quilt along label for your quilt.
- Week 1 – February 22 – Choosing and cutting fabric
- Week 2 – March 1 – Making star point columns
- Week 3 – March 8 – Large corner squares and center square
- Week 4 – March 15 – Outer Borders and finished quilt top
Helpful Links
- Carolina Mingle Quilt Pattern
- Email Sign Up
- Personalized quilt label especially for this quilt along
- All About the Giveaways and Rules
All Posts