Sassy Grannies – #7 – Anthologie Quilt Along




By now our Anthologie quilts are really coming together and huge chunks are getting completed. There’s not too much left to do! All the hard parts are behind us. This week we are tackling the Sassy Grannies. There’s three of these babies and they are made with just basic straight line sewing with no fuss.

Get the pattern here if you haven’t already.



The posts in this series are all part of the Anthologie Quilt Along.Β Β 

To view all the posts, click here.

To join the quilt along, click here.

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Our Task

There are three Sassy Granny blocks. It’s a bigger block with a lot of seams! Make sure that you are using the 1/4″ seam allowance just so on this block to insure everything comes out to size. Do pay attention to the orientation of the blocks as well if you are using directional prints. I’ve put the vertical blocks on the outside to keep from having to do any lining up of the seams, so just make sure you notice that little tidbit and make things a bit easier on yourself.

There’s also a bit of section building this round. By the end of this week, you should have three chunks of the quilt completed.

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Fabrics I’m Using








I don’t know about you, but I’m startin to second guessing myself on my color palette choice. Ha! Just something I go through with almost every quilt. Do you do this too? Fingers crossed it all works out in the end.




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