Arrowheads – #9 – Anthologie Quilt Along




Hey lovies! I hope you are well. We are set for an easy week this round. VERY easy in fact. We’ll be working on our Arrowhead blocks, so this will be a great week to play catch up.

Get the pattern here if you haven’t already.



The posts in this series are all part of the Anthologie Quilt Along.  

To view all the posts, click here.

To join the quilt along, click here.

Get the Pattern



Get the Anthologie quilt pattern!




Our Task

This is a single block and some basic chain piecing and snowballing is all that it’s going to take to call it done. The pattern will show this in only two fabrics, but I’ve gone scrappy with mine. I had quite a bit of scraps already accumulating with my fabrics I’m using on this quilt and I thought I’d go ahead and make some use of them.

Helpful Videos



Fabrics I’m Using








I’m loving the connections I’ve been making with everyone over on Instagram. It’s been so much fun getting to know you. Two more rounds to go!




Get a personalized quilt label for your Anthologie quilt!




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