Lulu Louise Quilt Along DETAILS

It’s time!
I can’t believe it’s already time for the Lulu Louise quilt along! February is flying on by.
Get the book if you haven’t already! The Lulu Louise quilt pattern is included in it.
A few things before we begin…

This pattern requires (14) HALF YARD cuts of fabric and 2 3/4 yards of background for the top.
You can make Lulu any way YOU want to, but if you are wanting it to have the gradation shown in the book, choose a color palette first. Next, gather the darkest fabrics you want to use about 3-4 fabrics with the same intensity. Then, gather 3-4 of the lightest fabrics you want to see in your quilt. Lastly, fill in the remaining fabrics choices with colors that would be somewhere in between your darkest and lightest fabrics.
This doesn’t have to be a perfect gradation, just kinda going from light to dark and then back to light is cool on it’s own. Don’t get caught up in getting everything just so. And don’t be scared to pop a completely different color in there from the others.
We have curated bundles for Lulu here. Go into the bundle listings (even if you are not interested in buying one), and check out some of the mock ups I’ve made. With those visuals, you can really get a sense of where each fabric could go.
Don’t be afraid to be YOU. These mock ups are how I like to make the quilt. You may have an even better idea up your sleeve. Do it YOUR way!
We are going to talk much more about the gradation during week 1.

Here’s our schedule!
- WEEK 1 – March 2 – Choose fabrics and get everything cut and organized
- WEEK 2 – March 9 – Stack fabric, make guide and make pairs
- WEEK 3 – March 16 – Finish sewing foreground pieces
- WEEK 4 – March 23 – Sew foreground to background
- WEEK 5 – March 30 – Finish quilt top

A discount for the quilting!
Jenae of Vintage Stitch is offering 20% off quilting (quilting service only) for any Lulu Louise quilt. Use the coupon code LULULOUISEQAL when filling out your form on her site. Offer expires July 31, 2022.

Time to chat prizes and giveaway eligibility!
- Post your progress on your quilt using the #lululouiseqal to be eligible for the prizes! The more you post, the better your odds for winning.
- You MUST be following myself and all of the sponsors to win ANY prize. Follow all of these accounts and you won’t have any problems: @southerncharmquilts, @seams_sew_me, @bessiepearl, @slightlybiasedquilts, @quilting_mayhem, @VintageStitch_by_Jenae, @NataliaBonner, @SanDiegoSewn, @ThaiCharmLLC, @DameandDaneQuiltingCo, @Pennily_Quilt_Shop, @ChelseaAllenStudios and @MeanderandMake
- Giveaway is open to US and international participants, however, some sponsors may have shipping limitations or substitutions if you are international to them.
- A winner will be chosen one day prior to every post (except the first one) and announced on IG. It is your responsibility to get in touch with me by email and claim your prize. I won’t be able to track you down. You have 15 days to claim your prize by email after that it will be void. See the calendar above for a better view of dates.

Winner will receive:
From Meander + Make – A $25 account credit
From Thai Charm – 2 PDF patterns of your choice
From Dame & Dane Quilting Co – AGF fabric bundle of Velvet by Amy Sinbaldi
Winner will receive:
From Piece N Quilt – $100 gift certificate
From Pennily Quilt Shop – AGF fat quarter bundle
From Meander + Make – A Lulu Louise custom quilt label
Winner will receive:
From Quilting Mayhem – A 10-piece fat quarter bundle
From Slightly Biased Quilts – 2 PDF patterns
From San Diego Sewn – A $25 gift certificate
From Chelsea Allen Studios – Longarming services for your Lulu Louise quilt
Week 4
Winner will receive:
From Bessie Pearl Textiles – A $25 gift certificate
From Seams Sew Me – Quilty Button Bookmark along with a set of pins and alphabet clips
From Vintage Stitch – Longarming services for your Lulu Louise quilt

Purchase of a pattern required
How do I sign up for quilt aling
There’s a link to sign up near the top of the post. Or you can go here: