
Lulu Louise Quilt Along – Week 5

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The posts in this series are all part of the Lulu Louise Quilt Along. 

To view all the posts, click here. 

To join the quilt along, click here.

Pattern is in my book, A Life With Quilts. Get it here.

Omigosh, I am just dying over this finish! I LOVE Lulu, but I really love her in the Cinnamon Tea fabrics. We will be finished after this round! Are you excited?!


For my foreground, I’m using all fabrics from the Cinnamon Tea collection. My background is Kona Latte.

This Week’s Task

Our task this week is to sew all of our columns together. It sounds easy, but there’s a lot of these. Maybe space this out over a few days if you need to OR be like me and mad rush get it finished because YOU MUST SEE IT DONE NOW!

[ess_grid alias=”patterns”][/ess_grid]
View All Patterns


  • Don’t skip the nesting of the seams. This makes everything lay nice and flat and will get your points all lined up nice and neat.
  • YOU CAN DO THIS! You can do this. You can do this. AND YOU ARE LOVELY!


Jenae of Vintage Stitch is offering 20% off quilting (quilting service only) for any Lulu Louise quilt. Use the coupon code LULULOUISEQAL when filling out your form on her site. Offer expires July 31, 2022.


I just want to send out a big thank you to all of our sponsors. I’d love it if you could give them a shoutout on social media or just say thank you for sponsoring the Lulu Louise quilt along. When you reach out to them it really helps me get sponsors and prizes for my quilt alongs. They are all small business with real and lovely people behind them, and they have been SO GENEROUS to us!

I have enjoyed making this quilt with you VERY much! And I’ve been so grateful to have you on this journey with me. I hope that you enjoyed making Lulu. I am dying over all the loveliness on Instagram in the quilt along hashtag. All of you have really created or are creating some gorgeous versions of Lulu and they make me swoon and squeal. Thank you for joining in and being a part of this!


  • I LOVE Michelle‘s gradient!
  • Oh my! Mrisha‘s checkboard look is gorgeous.
  • Shannon stuck a dark fabric in the middle of her gradients and it is EVERYTHING!
  • Karen has a multicolor palette going on and it looks SO GOOD!
  • Sue is has achieved yellow PERFECTION in my opinion!

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