
Star Dance Quilt – #2 – Quilt Reveal


You might remember that last summer (2018), I hosted a quilt along for Coats + Clark over on their Make it Coats blog.Β  Such a great experience that was and I learned so much from working with such a big company!Β  Fingers crossed I get to do it again.

Anyway, I’m getting sidetracked!Β  I made my second version of the Star Dance quilt.Β  You can see the first one here.

I was trying to do something very similar to that quilt, but you can’t get those Kaleidoscope fabrics anymore, so I ended up choosing all new AGF solids from here.Β  They are scrumptiously soft!



Product Spotlight

Mystery Low Volume Fabric Bundle

  • 10 pieces
  • Fat quarters
  • Extra yummy
Get your bundle here.



This quilt came out a little brighter which I wasn’t expecting, but I love it anyway.Β  It was a custom quilt order, so I’m not getting to keep it.Β  I probably wouldn’t have used all solids again for my stars, but it was requested.Β  I’m just a print girl, ya know?!Β  Anyway, they do have a certain graphic look and quilting looks absolutely wonderful on top of a solid, so I do like and enjoy solids.

I’ve been getting lots of messages from readers about my quilting and I wanted to mention that I do quilt on my domestic machine.Β  I have a tutorial for this exact type of quilting if you want to give it a go yourself right here.Β  I do realize that it’s not the best tutorial, and I apologize.Β  It will get it updated this year, along with my wall basting tutorial and my machine binding tutorial.Β  I’m updating for my new beginner quilter class I’m making, but I’ll be offering those three tutorials on the blog separate from the class as well and as just a regular post.Β  My video skills have come a long way since then and I cringe every time I have to send someone to them.Β  Eeek!


Product Spotlight

  • Piecing and machine quilting thread
  • 100 Percent extra long staple Egyptian thread
  • 600 yards of assorted Basic colors
  • Double mercerized
  • No wobble snap mini King
  • 30 weight thread
Buy Here.




The Star Dance pattern is one of my favorites.Β  I’ve always loved the Friendship Star block, and this one is that block with just the corners changed.Β  When you put all the blocks together, you get this cool connected look (the low volume), and it kinda looks like either light is coming from the stars or they are moving or dancing.Β  Or, that’s what I see.Β  What do you see?Β  Sometimes I think it looks like the stars are sashaying.

You can find the quilt pattern for this quilt here.Β  It’s free by the way!Β  It doesn’t go into details about how to make the half square triangles, because it was a quilt along as I mentioned and I did that in one of the posts, but it does have a video tutorial within the pattern that can be helpful if you are a new quilter.


My Quilt Patterns

Β Β Β Β Β Β 

Shop All Patterns Here




One thing I like about this quilt is that it uses all fat quarters.Β  I haven’t always found fat quarters useful, but lately I’ve been loving the heck out of them.Β  Β I’m determined to make future quilt patterns fat quarter friendly.

You can see all the Star Dance quilts out in the world here.Β  It’s so much fun to see everyone’s version of the same quilt pattern.



Get a personalized quilt label for your quilt.


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Quilt Details:

Pattern – Star Dance

Size – 60×72″, I increased the number of blocks I used in the pattern from 25 to 30 and added them to an additional row at the bottom

Blocks – 30 blocks

Top Fabrics – All star solid fabrics came from this bundle.Β  Some of the background block fabrics are:

There are a few more that I don’t have the name for.Β  Sorry!

Backing Fabrics – Bouquet in white and Blossom in fuchsia

Binding – Haymow in early

Batting – Warm and Natural batting by the Warm Company

Thread – Quilt Plus by CoatsΒ for piecing, Sulky in Jade Tint for quilting

Techniques Used – meander quilting,Β wall basting, andΒ machine binding

Quilt Label – A label made especially for this quilt (I can remove the “quilt along” wording if needed,Β Β tutorial forΒ how to install it here


Connecting Threads



Enjoy the rest of your week, lovelies!



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  1. Hey there, I will actually be in Gadsden this weekend right near Rainbow City. Do you have a quilting shop? Your quilts are great and I would love to drop by and say hello if possible.

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