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The Rescue Quilts – #4 – The Landslide Quilt ( quilt reveal ) – The New

Hey y’all.

It feels like a long time since I did a quilt reveal.  This thought made me go back and look and the last reveal I did was early May for this quilt.  That’s not to say I haven’t worked much since then.  I’ve got several quilt tops in the making, just no finishes.

But today that changes!  It feels good to finish a quilt.  And this quilt feels especially good because it’s for my son, who apparently is pretty easy to please.



Cotton + Steel Boutique



So if you read my post from last Friday then you know that this quilt was inspired by a rescue quilt I found and am in the process of finishing.  I’ll be quilting the old version today and will discuss more of that later.  Let’s get to this quilt!

I’m calling it the Landslide quilt.  I just finished the pattern yesterday for it and sent it to my testers.  It will be released on June 19.  I hope you come back to purchase this pattern.  It is a major scrap reducer (but more on those details later)!  You can sign up for my newsletter to be automatically notified when it does with a coupon code (newsletter subscribers get bigger discounts than I usually give on the blog).

So, my son asked for a quilt last year for his birthday.  He asked just a few days before his birthday.  Apparently living with a quilter has taught him nothing about how long quilts take to make.  I probably could have whipped something up for him then, but felt stewing on the matter a much better task.  So I stewed all the way to now when I knew for graduation this matter had to be tended to.  He needed a quilt, an awesome quilt.

His request was that his quilt be black.  If you are here reading this you know that low volume is my jam and I rarely stray.  Touches of black I love, but not a black quilt.  If I’m not loving every part of what I’m making, it will end up at the bottom of the WIP stack where I’ll never touch it again.

I need to love what I’m making.  I don’t mind a few nudges in a certain direction, but I prefer to make the creative decisions.  If you know I make custom quilts for a living then you can see my dilemma, but I’ve found ways to deal with that and give myself more freedom.

I do want the quilt loved though, so all of this needs to be taken into consideration and I need to be flexible as well.

For my baby, I wanted to make him happy.  I just didn’t want to go gung-ho with black, so I didn’t.

Instead, I chose cool colors that reminded me of him, packed full of low volumes and particular prints chosen especially for him.

He’s got this thing for goats.  It’s silly, but adorable.  We end up at zoos and petting zoos just sitting there the whole time with the goats.  He says it’s his spirit animal.  He’s been this way since he was little about them.  I just go with it.  There’s also this whole taco thing.  He loves tacos.  I found fabrics that featured those and added them to his quilt and he found them within minutes and smiled and gushed and said, “momma” which he rarely says anymore and I got all gooey inside.


Fabric Spotlight

Day Trip Grazing Goats Yardage SKU# DAT-99402 Grazing Goats from Day Trip by Dana Willard for Art Gallery Fabrics.

Purchase here.

Day Trip Light Taco Love Yardage SKU# DAT-89405  Taco Love from Day Trip by Dana Willard for Art Gallery Fabrics.

Purchase here.


To settle the need for the color black (to please him) I added yarn ties with black yarn and a black and white scallop binding, plus also a lot of black on the back.  He loved it!

See, Momma knows best.  Plus, this gave me plenty of time with some handwork on his quilt which I really wanted to do.

Come back Friday for the video tutorial on yarn tying a quilt.  I found a new way to get this done that made it SO VERY MUCH easier.

I tied a quilt with yarn once and it was a horrible experience, so I swapped to embroidery floss and that was nice, but I still had this hankering for using the yarn.  I just like it better because it pops so much.

Come see the video tutorial on Friday or find it here if you read this post after then.


Class Spotlight


For the back of the quilt I used Joel Dewberry’s Lodge Lattice and Jeni Baker’s Fractal Garden.  For the binding I used a black and white scallop called Neighborhoods from AGF.  I couldn’t find it for sale anywhere else, it’s pretty old.

The quilt is a large throw size, 60×72″.  This is one of the sizes included in the pattern.


Find my quilt labels for sale here.


Again, look for this pattern to release on June 19.  Until then, gather up all your width of fabric strip scraps and set them aside.  This quilt pattern is going to drink all of those up like a tall glass of water!

I’m probably going to have a few posts on how I store my scraps in the meantime and I’m probably going to make another of these in warm colors.

Have a good week!


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  1. I loved reading about the why and how of this quilt. I got choked up reading about you getting choked up about his “momma” comment. Now I want to make a quilt for my teenaged son with special touches of his favourite things sprinkled throughout.

  2. Your son must love it, it looks great! I’m a little late to the party but I’m working on the wild bloom pattern. I am on part 3 and having fun. Thanks!

  3. Oh, Melanie, this quilt is perfection! I’ve been trying to figure out what pattern to use for my two teenage grandsons and THIS IS THE PERFECT ONE! Not at all girly. I might use it for my hubby, too. It’s just so perfectly masculine but I see it could be quite girly as well. You’ve turned me into a low-volume lover and I can’t wait to get the pattern! Hope your testers finish quickly. 🙂

    1. Yay! I’m so glad you like it. And if you make one, PLEASE show it to me. I love seeing them. 🙂 Thanks for reading along, Dori!

  4. A very pretty quilt! I am glad you managed to circumvent the all black request. That’s the kind of thing my husband would say! I’m interested in your yarn tips. I’ve had trouble tying with yarn, but prefer that look as well.

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