Bad Girl Fabric Bundle Kits


The bundle is here!!!!

Today, I’m showing you my fabrics that I’m using in my next Bad Girl quilt during the Bad Girl quilt along.  I’ve got bundles made up for you too!  It’s coral and orange and the most splendid shades of aqua.  I’m trying to make myself take deep breaths, but it’s soooooo haaaarrrdd.  I’m too excited!





Breathe, breathe, breathe!!  I wanted to do this quilt in shades of orange and coral.  I loved this quilt so much, I needed another like it.

Oh, but wait!  First things first.  If you haven’t signed up to the quilt along yet (starts May 17), you can get all the details and sign up here.  We’d love to have you!

Okay, back to the fabrics!!



Orange Grove Fabrics:


Get the whole fat quarter bundle here.

The bundle is 15 fat quarters, which is exactly what we need for the large throw quilt that we are making.  If you buy the bundle, it’s a bit cheaper than buying them separately.  Note that this bundle does not include what you need for the background fabrics, backing and binding.  You can find fabrics for the background here.  I’ll be using a scrappy low volume for mine too!


Get a personalized Bad Girl quilt along label for your quilt.


Get the Label



I can’t wait to get these pretties all starched and pressed and cut into.  It’s so summery and refreshing!  There is another bundle coming so stay tuned.


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